Cultural & Media Education Fundation

All donations to the Foundation will be used to develop and promote the development of non-profit civic media in Hong Kong. Please donate to support us and work together to create more diverse and free media culture education! We are a registered non-profit charitable organization and are exempt from tax under section 88 of the Tax Regulations (Charity Number: 91/14412). Donations of HK$100 or more can receive a charitable tax exemption receipt.

Iron Powder|Monthly donation of $200 or more

  • Enjoy 40% off any fee
  • You can participate in exclusive events (such as screenings, hiking, workshops, etc.) at least once a season for free

Supporters|Donate $400 or more per year

  • Enjoy 20% off any fee
Donation amount
Donation amount
Donation amount

Single donation HK$1,000

Wang Xiaoming
734 King's Road, Quarry Bay
Receipt required

Thanks for your support!

Please complete the payment on the new Stripe page

All donations from the Foundation will be used to develop and promote the development of non-profit civic media in Hong Kong. Let's create more diverse and free media culture education together!

If you have any questions about your donation, please feel free to contact us:
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Hong Kong dollar

Monthly donation HK$1,000

Wang Xiaoming
Monthly Donations/Quick Transfers
734 King's Road, Quarry Bay
Receipt required

Thanks for your support!

All donations from the Foundation will be used to develop and promote the development of non-profit civic media in Hong Kong. Let's create more diverse and free media culture education together!

If you have any questions about donations, please feel free to contact us:
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